A total of 632,689 passengers passed through Queensland Airports Limited’s (QAL) four airports in May
This represents a 0.8 per cent rise in numbers for the group, with all four ports recording growth for the
first time this year.
A summary of May ‘s resul ts is provided in the table below.
“We were pleased to see growth return to all four of our ports during May,” QAL CEO Chris Mills said.
“This was assisted by an increase in airline capacity to Gold Coast, Townsville and Mount Isa d uring the
month ”
A breakdown of the figures shows domestic passenger numbers at Gold Coast Airport, which accounted
for more than 86 per cent of the port’s business duri ng May, were particularly strong with a 3.6 per cent
rise on the same time last year, helping to offset lower international numbers.
Internationally, forward bookings on Jetstar’s new route from the Gold Coast to Seoul, set to begin in
December, are looking strong.
Mount Isa airport was once again the stand out, with a significant 9.2 per cent rise in passenger
numbers during the month.