Southern Metro Crime Team detectives along with investigators from Manningham Crime Investigation Unit have charged five teenagers after an allegedly stolen Mercedes was cornered in a fast-food drive-through outlet overnight.
The detectives had been performing duties as part of their investigation into a recent series of aggravated burglaries in the southern and eastern suburbs when they sighted the vehicle on the Princes Highway at Doveton about 11.30pm.
The vehicle had been stolen in an alleged aggravated burglary in Hawthorn on Tuesday morning and sighted at the scene of an armed robbery in Endeavour Hills about 9pm.
Detectives followed the vehicle into the drive-through lane of a fast-food outlet on Springvale Road in Springvale and were able to block off the entry and exit of the drive-through with police vehicles.
Five teenagers were arrested at the scene.
A 15-year-old Wallan boy has been charged with theft of motor vehicle, possess controlled weapon without excuse, possess dangerous article, and commit indictable offence whilst on bail.
A 16-year-old Wallan boy has been charged with theft of motor vehicle, possess controlled weapon without excuse, possess dangerous article, and commit indictable offence whilst on bail.
A 15-year-old Endeavour Hills boy has been charged with armed robbery, robbery, commit indictable offence whilst on bail, assault with weapon, aggravated burglary, theft, and theft of motor vehicle.
A 16-year-old Noble Park boy has been charged with theft of motor vehicle, drive whilst disqualified, commit indictable offence whilst on bail, possess controlled weapon without excuse, and possess a dangerous article.
A 17-year-old Pakenham boy has been charged with theft of motor vehicle, possess a dangerous article, possess controlled weapon without excuse, and commit indictable offence whilst on bail.
All five boys were remanded to appear before a children’s court.