POSTPONED: 2020 Memorial Day to honour lives lost in mining

CFMEU Mining and Energy

The CFMEU Northern Mining and NSW Energy District’s 25th Annual Memorial Day to remember lives lost in mining has been postponed due to COVID restrictions.

The annual service at the Jim Comerford Memorial Wall, usually held on the second Sunday of September, is the most important day of the year for the District.

It is an acknowledgment of the almost 1,800 men, women and boys who have lost their lives in the Northern District Coalfields.

District President Peter Jordan said the Union was working towards holding an event in November.

“We are saddened to postpone this year’s Memorial Service. It is an important time to come together and remember the sacrifices made by coal miners through our District’s history, to comfort bereaved families and to recommit ourselves to making safety our highest priority.

“We look forward to holding this service at our newly-restored Memorial Wall at the earliest opportunity.”

/Public Release.