The Department of Health and Aged Care has issued an important message to doctors ahead of winter.
Doctors are being urged to protect patients against respiratory viruses ahead of winter.
Flu and Covid-19 are common viruses in colder months and vaccination will provide patients with the best possible protection going into the colder months.
In a message to doctors the Department of Health and Aged Care says: “Importantly, Covid-19 vaccines can be provided at the same time as a flu vaccine. This makes it quick and easy for your patients to get the protection they need this winter.”
“Ensuring your patients are vaccinated ahead of the peak season will reduce the risk of them becoming seriously ill.”
Doctors are encouraged to review the ATAGI statement on the administration of seasonal influenza vaccines and the 2024 program advice for health professionals.
You can also provide a consumer factsheet to patients about the 2024 flu vaccine.
Further information is available on the Department of Health and Aged Care website
And on the topic of respiratory viruses, the department is developing communication materials to support the 2024 childhood and influenza campaigns.
Doctors are invited to lend their support or voice to the campaigns.