Record budget boosts QFES fleet, fire stations and community safety initiatives

  • Record $1.04 billion Queensland Fire and Emergency Services Budget
  • More than $125 million record capital budget with focus on enhancing fire stations and vehicle fleet
  • $20.7 million for work on new Fire and Rescue (FRS) stations across Queensland and $18.7 million for new and replacement FRS trucks
  • $16.1 million for new and replacement Rural Fire Service (RFS) trucks, plus $7 million for RFS support vehicles
  • $7.2 million for new and upgraded RFS stations and headquarters
  • $3 million for support vehicles and $11.2 million in capital grants to enhance State Emergency Service (SES) response capability
  • Community safety initiatives including the Bushfire Safety Campaign and Road Attitudes and Action Planning program attract combined funding of $7.6 million over four years.

Recognising the critical work of front-line staff and volunteers, the Palaszczuk Government has provided Queensland Fire and Emergency Services with a record $1.04 billion budget.

This includes a record $125 million capital budget for Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) to ensure the state has the best facilities and equipment available.

The 2023-24 QFES budget includes a total of more than $20.7 million on vital new infrastructure including Fire and Rescue stations in the rapidly growing areas of Caloundra South, Mount Cotton Road, Moreton Bay Central and Greater Springfield.

There is also $5.8 million set to be spent on upgrades and refurbishments to auxiliary Fire and Rescue stations including the country centres of Boonah, Imbil, Mitchell, Emerald and Allora.

Included in the budget is $17.9 million for the acquisition of land for future Fire and Emergency Services facilities at Hervey Bay, Atherton, Highfields, Beerwah, South Townsville, Wulguru, and Bundaberg East.

Fire and Rescue firefighters will benefit directly from $18.7 million worth of new and replacement FRS trucks and more than $12 million of new and replacement operational equipment including firefighting gear, scientific analysis and detection devices, breathing apparatus, and rescue equipment.

The Rural Fire Service will also receive a significant investment of $16.1 million towards new and replacement trucks, in addition to $2.6 million on new operational equipment, and $1 million towards the overall $3 million project to retrofit life-saving cabin deluge systems into existing rural fire trucks.

The State Emergency Service will receive $3 million for support vehicles and $11.2 million in capital grants to be dispersed among the state’s 76 SES units.

The State Government has also made a significant investment towards continuing valuable QFES community education programs as part of the 2023-24 State Budget.

Funding of $2.6 million over the next four years has been approved to enhance the delivery of the Road Attitudes and Action Planning (RAAP) program. The program involves experienced operational firefighters presenting practical road safety advice to young Queenslanders, to educate them about safe driving practices. This funding will assist with expanding the program’s delivery into various youth settings in the community, as well as conducting regional tours to reach young drivers across the state.

The Bushfire Safety Campaign, which delivers critical safety and preparedness advice for Queenslanders consider for the annual Bushfire Season, will receive a total of $5 million in funding over three years, to design and advertise a new campaign.

Quotes attributable to Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk:

“My government will always support our dedicated front-line workers who do so much to support their fellow Queenslanders.

“And it’s vitally important that we provide our emergency workers with every support we can.”

Quotes attributable to Treasurer Cameron Dick:

“Firefighters and volunteers always look after the community so the least we can do is make sure we provide them with the personnel, resources and infrastructure they need to do their vital work.

“That’s why we are delivering a record QFES budget.

“This funding will ensure frontline staff have the important equipment and vehicles and people they need to continue to support the community.”

Quotes attributable to Minister Mark Ryan:

“This record QFES budget demonstrates the Queensland Government’s commitment to our frontline Fire and Rescue, Rural Fire Service and SES personnel and essential work they do to keep us safe,” Mr Ryan said.

“The Palaszczuk Government has recognised the need to better equip and protect those extraordinarily brave people responsible for protecting Queenslanders, which is why we are investing heavily in new or improved FRS stations in high growth areas of the state, and new equipment and trucks for our firefighters.

“We are also focusing our investment in new facilities, equipment and trucks for our RFS personnel.

“The SES will receive a significant boost thanks to $3 million for the purchase of support vehicles and $11.2 million in capital grants for SES units across the state.

“Beyond our normal operational requirements, the State Government has also recognised the enormous value of QFES’s public education campaigns, which is why we are providing more than $7.6 million over four years towards RAAP and the Bushfire Safety Campaign in this budget.”

Quotes attributable to the Commissioner Greg Leach:

“This budget provides reassurance to our personnel that they’ll continue to have access to the equipment and resources they need to be able to do their life-saving work in the safest way possible,” he said.

“Heavy investment in new or upgraded stations for both FRS and RFS is happening across the state as we speak, and this budget ensures that work continues on preparing to meet the service delivery needs of communities by identifying and purchasing land for future fire stations to be designed and constructed.

“The ongoing investment in the retrofitting of cabin deluge systems for RFS trucks will be welcomed by thousands of volunteer firefighters across the state, as they prepare for what could be an early start to the bushfire season.

“News of $3 million in the budget for support vehicles and more than $11 million in capital grants will be welcomed by more than 5000 SES volunteers across Queensland.

“It is great to see our RAAP program being recognised in this year’s budget. Our operational firefighters carry out tremendous educational work throughout Queensland, with their knowledge and expertise contributing to the safety of young motorists who are just about to go out on the road for the first time.”

Quotes attributable to United Firefighters Union Queensland Secretary, John Oliver:

“We appreciate the uplift from the Palaszczuk Government in what is a record budget for the Fire and Rescue Service.

With the change of weather patterns, we need to be ready to respond when disaster strikes.

This budget backs our Professional Firefighters with the equipment, resources, and facilities they need to allow them to do what they do best. Keeping Queenslanders safe.”

Quotes attributable to Rural Fire Brigades Association Queensland President, Ian Pike:

“This new uplift to the budget is realty advantageous to volunteers and is one of the greatest things that has happened to the Rural Fire Service.

At the end of the day, if it works in favour of volunteers, it is a great achievement”.

Quotes attributable to President Queensland SES Volunteer Association, Eddie Cowie ESM:

“On behalf of SES volunteers across the state, the Queensland State Emergency Service Volunteer Association welcomes the 2023-24 State Budget and is pleased to see a significant increase in funding and opportunities from this budget for the SES.

“We look forward to seeing the capability of SES volunteers continuing to build, to see enhanced community safety into the future”.

Quotes attributable to SES Volunteer Consultative Committee Chair, Sharn Pogan:

“This state budget is wonderful news for the SES.

“The increase in staff over the next two years will have a profoundly positive impact on volunteers across the state.

“It means they will be better trained and better supported, allowing them to keep the community safe in times of emergency”.

/Public Release. View in full here.