Red Box Voice Capture Capabilities Coming to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales Insights Through

Red Box , a leading platform for voice, today announces that it has been selected as a Preferred Telephony Partner to feed captured voice data into Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales Insights and enriching the data set that Microsoft’s AI solution can reason over, strengthening the quality of insights their joint customers can derive from their own data.

The integration will assist sales managers to deliver smart coaching to their sellers by generating insights from the rich conversations that sellers have with their customers. By leveraging the enterprise-wide voice and rich metadata captured by Red Box paired with the Sales Insights application, customers will benefit from both the call analytics at scale, as well as the capability to play back individual calls through Dynamics 365.

These voice capture capabilities will not only help managers uncover early trends to launch new sales training and sales motion opportunities for all sellers, but also allow looking at conversation styles and customer sentiment levels for different sellers and drill into a call transcript for an individual seller. Managers can then provide coaching

/Public Release.