Reflections Commence Drought Proofing Community Country Assets

Reflections has commenced a drive to create more land-based activities and staff training opportunities at its group of nine inland parks throughout country NSW to offset the effects of the NSW Drought and lower dam levels.

Reflections holiday Parks CEO Steve Edmonds said the group’s nine inland parks were all based on recreational dams which have suffered with lower dam levels in the wake of the drought affecting communities across rural NSW.

“For many communities, these dams provide the experience of a local beach and are important places for rest and recreation that their coastal cousins enjoy in abundance,” Mr Edmonds said.

“Our charter is to preserve these important Crown land parks for generations to come; it is vital that we challenge ourselves to find innovative solutions to create a range of visitor experiences for local families and visitors to these regions to enjoy.

“Water may be low but fun, land-based adventures are many and in the case of some our parks like Copeton Waters near Inverell, dam activities and fishing are thriving.”

Reflections continues to review park operations to ensure these parks remain sustainable into the future. As a self-funding organisation, the strong performance of the Group’s coastal parks cross subsidises and supports the operations of the inland parks and reserves.

Mr Edmonds said the Group’s inland parks captured the true essence of a traditional Australian bush escape and would continue to remain an important part of the Group’s portfolio of parks.

“Our purpose is to ride out this tough time with creative ways to encourage communities back to our parks and to continue to upskill our current staff and give them opportunities to learn like those who live near big cities,” Mr Edmonds said.

“We don’t want our rural staff disadvantaged – instead we wish to use their ingrained knowledge, passion, and unexplainable resilience and give them a thriving park and workplace and the training they need to safely perform their jobs.

“Our inland parks throughout country NSW are staffed by warm-hearted people, including local farmers, who love rural country life and we will be seeking funding opportunities through the NSW Government to continue to invest in our parks and our people.”

Mr Edmonds said a range of adventure-tourism style activities and those taking advantage of the inland parks’ natural landscapes like mountain bike trails, creating new hiking trails with placemaking and educational information and Geocaching hunts were being explored.

“And as you know, rural skies are brilliant with stars that city folk just don’t experience, so Reflections is planning on holding stargazing evenings with music and tales by the campfire,” Mr Edmonds said.

As part of this inland park strategy, Reflections Holiday Parks Lake Keepit near Tamworth will hold a stargazing event later this year. The park’s BMX track has been restored and a fleet of pedal cars for guests to use is on hand.

Like all the inland parks in the Reflections’ Group, Lake Keepit Park Manager Leith Smith is passionate about the park and his team is closely connected to the region. Leith grew up in the area but spent the past 20 years working in the tourism/hospitality industry on the coast, most recently at Sawtell south of Coffs Harbour. In February this year Leith gave in to the strong pull of country life and took up the opportunity to manage Lake Keepit.

“It is a special area and a special park, and I am blessed to be here with my family and such a great team,” Leith said.

“The majority of our staff have grown up in the region and travel to work from Tamworth, Gunnedah and surrounds. Our Guest Services Officer Jenni Warner is one such long-time local, growing up on a Gunnedah Property. Jenni travels to Lake Keepit daily from her own cattle property located at Piallaway which she runs with her husband.”

Mr Edmonds said with 37 holiday parks in the Reflections Group, staff were spread throughout NSW, but are one team, providing affordable and memorable holiday experiences.”

Reflections Inland Holiday Parks include:

  1. Copeton Waters (Copeton NSW)
  2. Lake Keepit (Keepit NSW)
  3. Lake Glenbawn (Glenbawn NSW)
  4. Cudgegong River (Yarrabin NSW)
  5. Lake Burrendong (Mumbil NSW)
  6. Mookerawa Waters (Stuart Town NSW)
  7. Grabine Lakeside (Bigga NSW)
  8. Wyangala Waters (Wyangala Dam NSW)
  9. Burrinjuck Waters (Burrinjuck NSW)

/Public Release.