Griffith City Council’s next Community Opinion Group (COG) Meeting will be held on Tuesday 6 June 2023 at the Yoogali Club from 7pm.

The primary focus of this COG Meeting will be to facilitate discussions about the Draft Budget.

By moving the meeting from early May to June, Councillors and senior staff will have ample time to provide a comprehensive explanation of the 2023/24 budget.

While residents are encouraged to submit their own agenda items and ask questions during the meeting, it is particularly important that information regarding the budget is shared at this gathering, according to Griffith Mayor, Councillor Doug Curran.

“Councillors welcome the opportunity to engage with community members outside the confines of the Ordinary Council Meeting framework,” said Cr Curran

“I’m pleased with the way residents have been attending these meetings to bring issues to our attention. For this June meeting we have prepared a budget presentation and will also be touching on the proposed Special Rate Variation to help people understand what this means and the process involved.”

The COG Meetings demonstrate Council’s ongoing commitment to open and transparent consultation with the Community.

The COG Meeting allows community matters of concern to be documented and if appropriate, championed by a Councillor through a Notice of Motion procedure to Council for formal consideration.

To have your items added to the COG Meeting Agenda, head to and fill out the submission form by 4pm on Thursday 25 May 2023.

The proposed COG Meeting dates and locations for the remainder of the year are as follows: Hanwood – Tuesday, August 1, 2023, at the Hanwood Catholic Club, 7pm, and Yenda – Tuesday, October 31, 2023, at the Yenda Diggers Club, 7pm. These meetings offer further opportunities for community engagement and collaboration.

/Public Release. View in full here.