Rubber supplier charged after worker’s death

The Elastomers Pty Ltd faces four charges under the Occupational Health and Safety Act for failing to provide a safe working environment.

On 26 May 2021, a 47-year-old worker suffered fatal head injuries after being hit by part of a rubber extrusion processing line.

The company faces two charges under sections 21(1) and (2)(a) of the OHS Act for failing to provide and maintain plant and systems of work that were safe and without risks to health.

WorkSafe has also charged the company under section 21(1) and (2)(e) of the Act for failing to provide employees with information, instruction and training necessary to enable them to work in a way that was safe and without risks to health.

It is also alleged the company contravened regulation 99(4) of the OHS Regulations by failing to ensure bypassing or disabling machine guarding was as difficult as was reasonably practicable.

The matter is listed for a filing hearing at Melbourne Magistrates’ Court on 27 April 2023.

/Public Release. View in full here.