SA Police to conduct three road safety operations during Australia Day long weekend

South Australia Police will conduct three road safety operations during the Australia Day long weekend, bringing a strong police presence focused on targeting road safety offences statewide.

Traffic Services Branch Officer in Charge Superintendent Shane Johnson warns road users not to take risks on the road.

“Police will have a strong presence across South Australia with Operation Safe Long weekend, Operation Safe Hills and Operation Stop Drink Drug Drive,” said Superintendent Johnson.

“The Australia Day long weekend has historically marked a busy season on South Australian roads with people commuting for holidays and traveling to events.

“In addition, the Tour Down Under is still attracting an increased number of cyclists on the roads.

“Our long weekend operations will cover proactive detection activities for drink and drug driving, speeding, distracted driving and illegal mobile phone use, non-use of seatbelts and dangerous driving.

“Drivers should share the road with cyclists safely by checking blind spots frequently, signal clearly and early, respect bike lanes and maintain a safe distance from cyclists.

“Road safety offenders risk heavy penalties, but more importantly, they risk the loss of life or serious injury – a lasting tragedy for the families and communities left behind. It’s imperative we do our part to keep roads safe for ourselves and others.”

During the 2024 Australia Day long weekend there was one life lost and 14 serious injuries.

Visit SA Police website for long weekend safety tips:

/Public Release. View in full here.