The ACT Government is providing $355,000 in grants to support projects that promote and conserve Canberra’s valuable heritage.
I encourage members of the community involved in heritage to apply for this funding.
This incredibly successful program has been helping to protect our heritage places and objects for almost 30 years. Over this time it’s enabled films, festivals, walks, oral histories, theatre upgrades, conservation work and much more.
The 2019-20 ACT Heritage Grants priorities are:
- conservation works, conservation management plans, and projects that enable the continued use of and access to places entered on the ACT Heritage Register
- community projects that increase the utilisation, awareness and engagement in heritage places
- Aboriginal projects initiated by or involving the local Aboriginal community
- projects that celebrate the culinary heritage of the ACT
- projects that provide partnership opportunities between community organisations and ACT government agencies.
Applications for the 2019-20 round are open to individuals, community groups and incorporated non-profit or private organisations.
Grant application packs are available from or by phoning Access Canberra on 13 22 81.
Applications close 3 May 2019 and successful applications will be announced in late 2019.