Snapshot of lockdown life


Young people in the Far West are encouraged to capture life in lockdown during the Seize My Day youth photography project.

The Seize My Day initiative aims to illustrate the impact of lockdowns on young people, and also provide a valuable creative outlet to assist with youth mental health and wellbeing.

Entrants between the ages of 12 and 24 are asked to enter up to 10 creative photographs that provide an insight into life in lockdown, along with a 50-word description.

Council’s Community Development Officer, Dionne Devlin, encouraged participants to get creative with their entries.

“Seize My Day is about showing all the parts of a locked down day; it could be anything from a computer and desk or a favourite book, or even a photo that reflects the emotions of the entrant,” said Ms Devlin.

The first 60 entries in the project will receive a $25 Far West Gift card that can be spent at over 190 local businesses.

$200, $100, and $50 gift vouchers will also be awarded for the top three entries in each of the 12-14 years, 15-17 years, 18-24 years age brackets.

Entries will be open from September 1 to September 13, and all Far West residents between the ages of 12-24 years are eligible to enter.

Those interested can sign up and view entries here

A selection of entries will also be featured on the Broken Hill City Library Facebook site.

The project has been supported through the Office of Regional Youth, Department of Regional NSW.

/Public Release. View in full here.