- Draft Redland Housing Strategy has been released for community feedback
- Sets direction to deliver housing that meets the needs of evolving Redland community to 2046
- Visit https://haveyoursay.dsdilgp.qld.gov.au/redland-housing-strategy to see the draft strategy and have your say
A new strategy for Redlands is set to unlock more housing choice and pave the way for development that meets the current and future needs of the fast-growing coastal city.
The Queensland Government is developing the Redland Housing Strategy, which sets the pathway to increasing housing supply and diversity in the right locations.
The draft strategy, released today, has been informed by community views on local housing needs that were shared during preliminary consultation in June 2023.
In the first round of consultation, 75 per cent of respondents who needed to upsize or downsize were not confident of finding a new home in their current suburb.
We know that household sizes and structures are changing. We are seeing an increase in smaller households, including one-person households.
With more than half of Redland homes having four or more bedrooms, there are limited options available for people needing smaller and more affordable homes.
The draft strategy highlights opportunities for some increased density in the right locations without overwhelming the existing character and appearance of neighbourhoods. It encourages a sustainable balance between urban development and protecting core environmental areas and corridors valued by the community.
Growth is aligned to leverage existing infrastructure and the strategy provides visibility for where future infrastructure investment should occur.
To boost housing supply, it also seeks to remove barriers and limitations to the delivery of residential development around key growth areas including Cleveland and Capalaba.
The final strategy will provide the strategic direction for the review of the Redland City Plan 2018.
The strategy is being prepared alongside the ShapingSEQ 2023 Update – the state’s blueprint for delivering the 900,000 new homes needed in the south-east corner by 2046.
The community is invited to comment on the draft strategy from 16 October to 12 November 2023. Feedback received over the next four weeks, along with final population and dwelling targets provided through ShapingSEQ, will inform the final strategy for Redlands.
Visit the Have Your Say website to learn more, find an in-person information session, talk to a planner online and share your feedback through a survey.
Quotes attributable Deputy Premier Steven Miles:
“As the Redland population continues to grow and change, providing the community with housing choice will be crucial,” Mr Miles said.
“Not everyone’s housing needs are the same and we need to plan and create a mix of options that ensures more housing choice for current and future generations.
“Infrastructure is a key piece of the puzzle, and this strategy recognises what the community, business and the development industry want – for infrastructure and housing to be integrated.
“Now’s the time to have your say on this important step towards building a future where everyone has access to the type of housing they need.”
Quotes attributable to Minister for Energy, Renewables and Hydrogen and Minister for Public Works and Procurement Mick de Brenni:
“We will continue to listen to our local community so we can plan well for growth and ensure future infrastructure meets the demand of new housing.
“By necessity, we must place a greater focus on gradual, well-developed density in areas that can cater for growth, while preserving the region’s environment and embracing its great semi-rural lifestyle.
“This is our opportunity to look at long-term housing solutions for the Redlands, and the community’s input will be vital.”
Quotes attributable to Member for Redlands Kim Richards:
“It’s important to consult with our community on the important issue of housing for the community of today and for that of tomorrow. How our region can sustainability grow and the necessary infrastructure into the future to meet that demand.”
Quotes attributable to Member for Capalaba Don Brown:
“We’ve heard from the community, and it’s clear that housing options in Redland City need to be more diverse to meet the needs of changing households. That’s why we’ve released the Draft Redland Housing Strategy for community feedback.”