Successful ‘Be Road Ready for Harvest’ Field Day

Parkes Shire

The recent Be Road Ready For Harvest Field Day, held in person at the Forbes Central West Livestock Exchange and livestreamed via Zoom, was a success with over 50 people attending in person and 15 people watching online.

Attendees were a mixture of farmers, contract harvesters, transport companies, agricultural machinery retailers, government agencies, council staff and relevant associations.

The event was supported by the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR), Transport for NSW, NSW Police, NSW Rural Fire Service, SafeWork NSW, NSW Farmers, WFI, Graincorp, Grain Transport Safety Network, Essential Energy, Australian Custom Harvesters Association and Rural Adversity Mental Health Program.

Parkes, Forbes and Lachlan Shire Councils’ Road Safety and Injury Prevention Officer, Melanie Suitor, said it was great to see strong numbers after two years of COVID disruption.

“We’ve had the hold this event as an online meeting for the last two years due to the COVID restrictions at the time. It was great to be back face and face, but also to be able to offer the online functionality to increase the reach of the event across the region.

“Safety and compliance during harvest is very important. Operators need to be aware of their responsibilities and ensure that during harvest all warning devices and travel requirements are adhered to.

“Regulations are constantly changing and events like this are important to ensure people are up to date on what’s required before the upcoming harvest period,’ Ms Suitor said.

The program included presentations about access, permits, fire safety, fatigue, safety around powerlines, compliance, insurance, mental health and more.

“Participant feedback was mostly positive, with attendees reporting a good range of relevant information on offer and that it was a great opportunity to stay up to date.

“Thanks to everyone who assisted to organise and promote the event. And a bigger thank-you to everyone who registered and attended,” Ms Suitor said.

The event was recorded and is available via YouTube, search ‘Be Road Ready for Harvest Field Day’.

The winner of the feedback form prize, a Brass Monkey 15 litre fridge worth $230, was Darren Keane.

If you missed the event … free satellite events will be held in Lake Cargelligo, Wirrinya and Peak Hill in the coming weeks (with breakfast provided):

  • Lake Cargelligo – Wednesday 31 August from 7.30am – 10.15am at the RFS Shed
  • Wirrinya – Thursday 1 September from 7.30am – 10.15am at the Community Hall
  • Peak Hill – Friday 2 September from 7.30am – 10.15am at the Golf Club

/Public Release. View in full here.