Summer Plan for Safer Alice Springs Underway

NT Government

The Territory Government has set out a coordinated plan for Alice Springs and surrounding communities to help combat crime and antisocial behaviour during this summer period. This will be a zero-tolerance summer for antisocial behaviour in Alice Springs.

The Government has implemented several new measures which address access to alcohol, an increased population, and overcrowding leading to antisocial behaviour. The measures include:

Rapid response policing and a zero tolerance approach to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour

More than 50 Officers will be rostered on Operation Drina throughout the summer period in a range of roles, and at different times throughout the season as demand dictates. Operation Drina will have a particular focus on alcohol-related offending including assaults, unlawful entries, and domestic and family violence.

This will be done through targeted crime prevention and engagement, and a zero tolerance approach to anti-social behaviour in high-risk areas including:

Police resources working in partnership with security and cultural patrols to ensure demand is met over the summer period;Handheld scanners to combat knife crime;Improved protection of retail and hospitality workers through the Trespass Act 2023 which gives business owners and Police more certainty surrounding the issuing and enforcing of trespass orders; andRoad safety initiatives to keep drivers, passengers and pedestrians safe on our roads.

Targeted support and intervention for at-risk young people

Operation Lunar, a joint NT Police and Territory Families, Housing and Communities initiative, will provide immediate and priority case management and support for young people at risk, with an additional accelerated case management team of social workers, specialist youth workers and Aboriginal Community Workers on call and ready to respond.

Targeted support and intervention for rough sleepers, overcrowding, and homelessness

Additional Return to Country services will be operational to enable people access back home. Alongside the regular return to country services, the Territory Government have supported an enhanced program to enable expansion of service if surge response if required.

Operation Drina police officers will also be tipping out alcohol in public places and moving people along when they are intoxicated, or large gatherings taking place – this accompanies alcohol measures already in place.

Activities for young people and families in Alice Springs and in Communities

Activities will be provided on country and in Alice Springs, every day during the school holidays.

An events calendar will be available featuring a variety of activities, including family and youth movie nights, sports at the Y, ten-pin bowling lock ins, and family ice-skating. The calendar is available online at here

Focussed on providing youth engagement activities on Country, the enhanced school holiday program is a comprehensive regional initiative, providing free activities for young people in remote community schools, with bus services running taking youth to and from home during the day and night.

Programs and activities will be provided throughout the entire school holiday period, including additional community and family activities for key celebration dates such as Christmas and New Year in Alice Springs and 20 remote communities. These communities include Amoonguna, Areyonga, Docker River, Finke, Haasts Bluff, Hermannsburg (Ntaria), Imanpa, Kintore, Mount Liebig, Santa Teresa, Titjikala, Mutitjulu, Atitjere, Engawala, Lajamanu, Laramba, Nyirripi, Willowra, Yuelamu and Yuendumu.

During the school holidays, the Territory Government is also funding the Katherine, Alice Springs and Tennant Creek public swimming pools to open free of charge for communities, with work underway to provide breakfast and lunch, with the government to also engage with program providers in the Top End as well.

To view more visit: here

Quotes attributed to Chief Minister Natasha Fyles:

“Central Australia residents deserve to be and feel safe. This is why we are focussed on reducing crime, ensuring public safety, and providing rapid responses when needed.

“We’re facing crime and antisocial behaviour from every angle. We’ve got a dedicated police operation with 50 officers completely focused on protecting residents, and providing rapid responses to crime.

“We’re doing more than ever to reduce alcohol abuse, and cops will be tipping out grog whenever and wherever they need to.

“We have youth workers ready to respond to situations at any time, day or night. And we’re putting on heaps of activities to keep young people engaged over the summer, so they aren’t being led down the wrong path.

“While we’re tackling this at every angle, let’s be clear, there is never any excuse for crime and no one gets to escape the consequences of their actions. This is a zero tolerance summer for anti-social behaviour in Alice Springs. The police are ready to deal with anyone who thinks otherwise.”

Quotes attributed to the Minister for Police, Brent Potter:

“Alice Springs families deserve to be safe, and most importantly feel safe. Operation Drina, with 50 Police Officers, will be in full force during the summer break.

“Working alongside Territory Families staff, they will be ready to respond when needed, and hold those who are doing the wrong thing to account.

“Our police officers and Territory Families staff will be there responding and acting – they will make sure the right supports are there. Through changes the Territory Labor Government made to the Trespass Act 2023, it is now easier for business owners, landlords and security guards to issue trespass notices on individuals. And it clarifies the penalties that will apply for trespass offences, which include fines and potential term of imprisonment.”

Northern Territory Government

/Public Release. View in full here.