Support For Golden Dragon Museum In Bendigo

Department of Home Affairs

​The Albanese Labor Government will contribute $100,000 towards the repair of Loong the Dragon after vandals caused significant damage to the historic dragon housed at the Golden Dragon Museum in Bendigo.

The Golden Dragon Museum is home to Loong, the oldest imperial Chinese dragon in the world, which has been part of Australian history since Federation.

The Museum is an integral part of Bendigo’s identity and reflects the journey of Chinese Australian migration to Australia.

Australia’s multicultural diversity is a fundamental aspect of our identity, and a source of national strength and vitality. 

The Albanese Labor Government stands firm against any form of cultural vandalism and is committed to supporting the preservation of this important heritage.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs, the Hon Andrew Giles

“The unacceptable defacing of Loong the Dragon – a symbol of strength and resilience for many in the Chinese Australian community – shocked many Australians last week.

The Government strongly condemns this attack. There is no place for this behaviour in Australia.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Bendigo, Lisa Chesters

“Like so many, I was deeply saddened and shocked to hear of the vandalism of our much loved and celebrated imperial dragons, Loong and Sun Loong.

This funding will repair and restore Loong who is an iconic symbol of our country’s rich Chinese Australian culture.

The Albanese Labor Government understands Loong’s historical significance not just to the people of Bendigo, but for all Australians as he paraded at the opening of the first Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia in 1901.”

/Public Release. View in full here.