A plan to create an environment that supports the wellbeing of older Tasmanians, while addressing the unique challenges associated with ageing, has been delivered.
Minister for Community Services, Roger Jaensch, said the Respectful, Age-friendly Island: Older Tasmanians’ Action Plan 2025 – 2029 ensures Tasmanians can age in the way they want to.
“Older Tasmanians play an immensely important role in both our community and our economy, and the Tasmanian Government recognises the valuable contributions they make to our society,” Minister Jaensch said.
“With a quarter of Tasmania’s population aged 65 and over, we have the oldest population in the nation.
“The Plan outlines the actions the Tasmanian Government will take over the next five years to ensure that older Tasmanians feel value and respected, are connected and engaged, and are enabled and supported.”
The Plan includes actions to progress Lifelong respect: Tasmania’s Strategy to end the abuse of older people 2023 -2029.
“The Tasmanian Government has committed over $3 million to deliver key priorities to support older Tasmanians and end the abuse of older people over the next two years,” Minister Jaensch said.
The Plan has been informed by extensive consultation with the community, through the Council on the Ageing Tasmania, on what active ageing means to them.
“Older Tasmanians are integral to the diversity and strength of our communities, and we will continue to work collaboratively with all levels of Government, COTA Tas, community sector organisations, and the wider community to achieve the vision in our Plan,” Minister Jaensch said.
“Our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future is all about making Tasmania the best place to live, work and raise a family. This plan will go a long way to achieving that.”
Brigid Wilkinson, Council on the Aging Chief Executive, said COTA supports today’s launch, which sets out the Government’s commitment for Tasmania to be a place where older people are respected, involved and informed about choices and opportunities as they age.
“We are pleased to see the voices and needs of older Tasmanians have heavily influenced the framework of the Plan, alongside a strong focus on tackling ageism and elder abuse in all their forms,” Mrs Wilkinson said.
“We are particularly keen to work with the Government in establishing the Governance Group that will support and review the Plan, ensuring older Tasmanians are consulted more regularly and their views incorporated into policy development.
“We also support the specific actions within the Plan that relate to national aged care reforms due to commence mid-year. This will ensure the Tasmanian Government maintains awareness, connection to and support for the proposed reforms and their impacts on older Tasmanians’ ability to remain independent and receive the care and support they need to do so.”
The plan can be viewed here.