Surf’s up as proponent chosen to deliver Cockburn Wave Park

  •  Aventuur chosen as the preferred proponent to deliver Cockburn Wave Park
  • Project will create local jobs and support tourism sector
  • Wave park to be situated on 5.7-hectare site on Prinsep Road in Jandakot
  • The McGowan Government has announced developer and wave park operator Aventuur as the preferred proponent to deliver a world-class wave park in Perth’s southern suburbs.

    Aventuur will use cutting-edge ‘Wavegarden Cove’ technology to deliver Western Australia’s first wave park – a leading surf, leisure and tourism destination with a focus on environmental sustainability. 

    The project will create up to an estimated 200 jobs during planning and construction, and is expected to employ more than 100 people once operational. 

    The proposal will now progress to the next stage of negotiations, with any future development still subject to relevant planning and building approvals.

    As stated by Planning and Transport Minister Rita Saffioti:

    “The wave park is a step closer to reality with Aventuur named as the preferred proponent to deliver this project.

    “We have worked to identify an alternative site here in Jandakot, after the Tompkins Park site failed to get appropriate approvals.

    “The project site in Jandakot will be well serviced by our road and rail upgrades in the area, including the Kwinana Freeway widening, the Thornlie-Cockburn Link and the North Lake Road and Armadale Road Bridge.”

    As stated by Lands and Sport and Recreation Minister Tony Buti:

    “I am pleased to see this exciting project – that sets out to showcase Western Australia’s vibrant surfing culture – continues to move forward.

    “The quality of both submissions was high, reflecting the level of enthusiasm for a venture of this kind in WA.

    “The preferred proponent Aventuur has committed to engaging with local business and interest groups to create a truly Western Australian surfing experience.”

    As stated by Jandakot MLA Yaz Mubarakai:

    “I am so excited that we are another step closer to having a world-quality wave park in Jandakot.

    “This will be a game changer for our southern suburbs.”

    /Public Release. View in full here.