Survey Finds 15% of Australian Household Using Bottled Water as Their Main Source of Drinking Water

Survey Finds 15% of Australian Household Using Bottled Water as

Their Main Source of Drinking Water

A recent survey commissioned by BRITA Australia has discovered that approximately 15% of Australians primarily use bottled water as their main source of drinking water at home.

More than 1,000 Australian adults from across Australia were surveyed, with 15% saying that more than 80% of their at home drinking water was purchased bottle water1. When the same respondents were asked why they chose to buy water bottles, the majority said they trusted the quality and preferred the taste of bottled water.


The main (80% or more) water source that Australian household are drinking?

· Tap water 56.6%

· Filtered water 23.1%

· Still bottled water 15.4%

· Sparkling water 2.8%

· Other 2.1%

BRITA Australia is now urging Australian to get back to the tap, where they can filter their own water and get great tasting water, at a fraction of the cost, to both their household expenditure and the environment.

“As Australians continue to improve on everyday wellness and watch what they eat, more and more attention is also being paid to drinking water. Good drinking water can come from any tap, and we encourage people to look for more sustainable options and not reach for bottled water,” said BRITA Marketing Manager, Karen Martin.

“BRITA consumers enjoy their filtered water from the tap, knowing they are benefiting from BRITA’s innovation and expertise in water filtration, without contributing to the mounting use of plastic bottles,” she added.

In Australia and around the world there is a rising demand for environmentally friendly products and a focus on plastic reduction, particularly the high wastage associated with single use plastic water bottles.

This September Brita is launching a new TV commercial and instore campaign to urge consumers to give single use water bottles the flick and get back to the tap and where they can filter their own drinking water.

BRITA is also releasing their latest water filter innovation, the BRITA ON TAP FILTER SYSTEM – A new filtration system that fits easily on most kitchen taps and features a highly efficient hollow fibre filtration membrane to effectively reduce impurities such:

· Chlorine*

· Pesticides*

· Herbicides*

· Hormones *

· Pharmaceutical residues*

· metals such as lead*

· impurities such as 99.9% of bacteria and particles > 1 µm (such as micro plastics) *

Environmental responsibility is central to BRITA’s values, and BRITA Australia is shortly introducing a filter recycling scheme, where BRITA consumers can return their MAXTRA+ filters cartridges to be recycled.

Water is perhaps the most important nutrient that we consume daily and with over 50 years in the water filtration industry, BRITA is recognized as a global industry leader. With a range of products to optimize the quality of at home drinking water, Brita can conveniently transform household tap water to cleaner drinking water, at a fraction of the cost of bottled water.

/Public Release.