“…I have Alopecia, but it doesn’t have me.”
City of Stonnington is proud to announce Charlie of Prahran as one of 32 winners of this year’s ABC Takeover Melbourne storytelling competition.
Charlie shares his story about his diagnosis of Alopecia Areata, an auto-immune disease, where your body’s immune system attacks your hair follicles causing dramatic hair loss.
“I remember playing with my fingernails while the dermatologist spoke to mum. I was ten years old and I didn’t really know what was going on, or what Alopecia was.”
“…I have Alopecia, but it doesn’t have me.”
Almost 300 people aged 12 to 18 entered Takeover Melbourne, this year, which is a new initiative run by the ABC. Takeover is about showcasing the voices of young Melburnians and helping them shape the future of their city.
Winning entries will be showcased on ABC Radio Melbourne and on ABC TV. They will also be celebrated in a virtual Gala event on December 3.
The City of Stonnington is proudly supporting #TakeoverMelbourne. Check out Charlie’s winning story and other winning stories here: www.abc.net.au/takeover/