Taskforce Raven Cracking Down On Repeat Offenders

Tasmanian Government

A new Police taskforce has been launched in Tasmania’s north, targeting recidivist and youth offenders across the Northern District to reduce crime.

Taskforce Raven will commence in the coming days, with members to be based out of Launceston Police Headquarters.

Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Management, Felix Ellis said the Government was taking action because the community is fed up.

“We are continuously seeing the same group of people committing crimes, and strong action needs to be taken,” Minister Ellis said.

“We’ve seen great success targeting serial offenders through Taskforce Saturate in the Southern District, and I look forward to seeing this important work continue in the north through Taskforce Raven.

“We can be tough on crime, and tough on the causes of crime and by taking action, we will reduce crime in our community.

“We’ve extended the trial of metal detection wands to ensure dangerous weapons are taken off our streets, we’re pumping the brakes on dangerous driving with our new Hooning Bill, and consultation is now underway on our strong new knife crime legislation, Reid’s Law.

“Through our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future, we will also establish permanent Strikeforce teams around the state to target career criminals and ensure they are brought to justice.

“We want to send a message to those who feel they’re above the law loud and clear – if you commit crime in Tasmania, you will be caught.

“Tasmanians have told us they want a government who keeps them safe, and that’s exactly what we are doing.”

/Public Release. View in full here.