Technology News | Page 41

We used to think diamonds were everywhere. New research suggests they’ve always been rare
Minimum viable whale: Antarctic minke whales may be as small as a krill-eating filter feeder can get in our modern oceans
Anxious dogs have different brains to normal dogs, brain scan study reveals
Enigmatic ruins across Arabia hosted ancient ritual sacrifices
Here’s what happens in your brain when you’re trying to make or break a habit
Microsoft announces new lead independent director and quarterly dividend
Apple introduces Shop with Specialist over Video
Immutep announces initiation of new breast cancer trial
Mark Butler announces funding for mitochondrial donation pilot program
National Reconstruction Fund moves closer to reality
AUKUS pact: Submarines could be useless by the 2050s
nbn and Western Sydney International Airport agreement a game changer
Futurists predict a point where humans and machines become one. But will we see it coming?
Apple TV+ wins Academy Award for Boy, Mole, Fox and Horse
Research pays off in India avocado trade deal
UniSA and Optus appoint new Chair of Cyber Security and Data Science
Astronomers just discovered a comet that could be brighter than most stars when we see it next year. Or will it?
Somatic genome editing therapies are becoming a reality – but debate over ethics, equitable access and governance continue
2022 Yoshinori Ohsumi Fund for Fundamental Research Awarded to Two Researchers
Northern Grower Alliance leader to call it a day, but research goes on
Pilot sets course for farm business management
Fairy-wrens are more likely to help their closest friends but not strangers, just like us humans
Is the honeybee’s iconic waggle dance learned or innate? New research provides the answer
New micro-credentials to bring Territorians into the future
International students give final presentations to youngsters upon completion of Japanese courses
FDA grants ‘orphan’ designation to PTX-100 for broader TCL indications
Chimeric Therapeutics advances manufacture of CHM 2101 viral vector
Biotech stocks back on road to recovery, according to latest report
Tokyo Tech-MIT Student Exchange Program participants share experiences
ACMA campaign to help telco customers having difficulty paying their telco bills
Electricity from thin air: an enzyme from bacteria can extract energy from hydrogen in the atmosphere
Apple invites Ted Lasso fans to “believe” with new Today at Apple session
Australian horticulture grows by $6.15B within decade 8 March
Is native budworm targeting wheat crops?
Crocodiles are uniquely protected against fungal infections. This might one day help human medicine too
Optus strengthens coverage in Dale River
Electricity flow in the human brain can be predicted using the simple maths of networks, new study reveals
Emyria partners with specialist trauma psychiatric service to advance MDMA-assisted therapy
How can you test if gold is pure? Some methods are more destructive than others
GreenLight Clinical and Cure Therapeutics look to future collaboration
Starpharma announces appointment of chief financial officer
Embracing equity in life sciences sector
Shadow Minister for Science Paul Fletcher MP’s address to Science Meets Parliament 2023
Industry and Science Minister Ed Husic’s Welcome speech to Science Meets Parliament 2023
Optus & Pentanet Announce 5G Cloud Gaming Partnership
Minister for Cyber Security to speak at super conference, Melbourne, 22 March
Lie detection tests have worked the same way for 3,000 years – and they’re still hopelessly inaccurate
How Generative AI Is Transforming Industries Across the Globe