Latest AMA News | Page 25

Private health insurance debate at National Press Club
National Alcohol Strategy should include tax reform
Cave rescue’s hero doctor gives dramatic account
AMA stands with Indigenous community over death in custody
Serious measles outbreak in Samoa
Huge EU grant to help boost Palestinian-Israeli healthcare cooperation
Striving for further support for our hardworking health employees
No more decay – our health system fails our Indigenous communities
Health system must better address Indigenous dental health
Death of Kumanjayi Walker
Government must do better
Update on payroll tax – Optical Superstore
AMA’s Julian Rait joins Board of Vision Australia
Violence against doctors increases globally
Floods spark disease fear across parts of Africa
BMA issues health manifesto ahead of election
New funding model for Aboriginal health services welcome
President attends WMA
More medical groups join AMA on informed financial consent
Vaccinations seeing preventable diseases fall
Fewer smokers but tobacco still kills one in eight
New WMA President urges empathy
Physician-assisted suicide remains opposed by world doctors
Damning report shows why care can’t wait
Aged Care Royal Commission confirms worst
Asbestos link to popular powder sparks US recall
Great news on polio eradication
Applications open for 2020 AMA Indigenous Medical Scholarship
Draft report confirms pressing need for major mental health reforms
Urgent need for significant mental health reforms
Productivity Commission calls for mental health overhaul
Private Health Insurance needs urgent attention
Private health insurance on precipice
More medical groups sign up for transparency in fees
She made world a better place
Autonomous pharmacist prescribing ruled out
Overseas transplants come with complications
Pharmacy Board backs AMA on prescribing
AMA advocacy Results in bipartisan Support for medical indemnity stability
New standards rule out pharmacist prescribing
AMA welcomes medical Colleges’ support for current Medevac legislation
Rubella offer being ignored in Japan
Tiny Pacific nation eliminates lymphatic filariasis
AMA gains assurances for hospital doctors
Codeine overdoses plummet since rescheduling
Indigenous conference talks innovation
A rocky road ahead for health system
Big savings in cancer drugs