Latest flu News | Page 7

Commission grants clearance for GSK to acquire Pfizer’s consumer healthcare business
World Immunisation Week: Vaccines Work
Where is Ferguson’s winter health and hospitals plan?
Flu prevention and winter planning
Stop spread of flu this winter
Any day in May is great to vaccinate against flu
Delivery Now service offers Brisbane grocery delivery in under two hours
Free flu vaccine distribution
Public Health Week 2019
Teens can now get flu jab at pharmacies
Vaccination and antivirals: tools to prevent and treat flu
Guild put profits above patients in latest lobby attempt
Beat Flu – Flu season is coming – City of Casey
Summer flu strikes aged care facilities
People will die in NSW hospitals due to NSW state government underfunding
Australian companies working to offset $7 billion productivity losses through flu vaccination programs
Summer flu surge continues
Flu hitches a ride home to NSW with travellers
Children with chronic lung diseases at higher risk of flu hospitalisation
Children with chronic lung diseases at higher risk of flu hopsitalisation