Latest global health News | Page 5

The health impact of climate change is not adequately recorded: study
Microsoft Azure meets growing needs of healthcare organizations, such as Mount Sinai Health System, with a highly scalable public cloud for Epic
Mosquitoes: Fact and Fiction on Bite Prevention
First steps towards a new vaccine for childhood ear infections
Awareness of vaping risks key to reducing e-cigarette use among young people
Out with the life coach, in with the chatbot: How AI can support an A1 lifestyle
‘We cannot endorse WA’s UTI pharmacy prescribing trial’: AMA (WA) and RACGP
Illicit drug use involved in nearly one in three sudden cardiac deaths in young adults
ACUs new metabolic chamber only one of its kind in southern hemisphere
Immune cell discovery could lead to improved chronic worm treatment
Vaccines could avert half a million deaths associated with anti-microbial resistance a year
Enhertu demonstrated clinically meaningful progression-free survival and overall survival across multiple HER2-expressing advanced solid tumours in DESTINY-PanTumor02 Phase II trial
Study shows ultra-low-dose 4-in-1 blood pressure pill would be cost-effective in Australia
Robots, artificial intelligence and synthetic human torsos fill the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre
Maximum sodium targets needed for pre-packaged foods in china, new research suggests
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria in NZ’s wild cockles and watercress put people at growing risk of serious illness
Recent HIV RDT market landscape report aims for healthier, more sustainable markets
Study reveals knowledge gap in dietary advice for weight control
Baylor, Moroccan Ministry of Health and Social Protection and others collaborate to advance health in Africa
Understanding the Regulation of Apicoplast Gene Expression in the Malaria Parasite
WHO Director-General discusses priorities on traditional, complementary and integrative healthcare with civil society
Major funding boost for phage therapy manufacturing in NSW
Liz Paratz recognised globally as emerging CVD leader
More than 6300 overseas workers added to health workforce 
WHO and HL7 collaborate to support adoption of open interoperability standards
New global campaign for better healthcare for everyone
Opioids no more effective than placebo for acute back and neck pain
Nanorobots successfully deal with oral fungal infections “rapidly and precisely”
New study shows common blood pressure meds under-used for migraine
Cataract treatment among most effective disease interventions: new study
Dr Vanessa Kerry appointed as WHO Director-General Special Envoy for Climate Change and Health
Hope away from home: Providing support for refugees with tuberculosis, wherever they live
People with medical needs are “left behind in pain” reveals new report
A future of autonomous vehicles delivering junk food 24/7 is coming, health researchers warn
Public notice and comment on new members of the Global Validation Advisory Committee (GVAC)
ARC-funded researcher internationally recognised for her outstanding contribution to science and humanity
Many young people who’ve never vaped may be susceptible to starting, study suggests
Inventor of the cervical cancer vaccine named Queensland’s Biomedical Advisor
WHO and the Global Fund announce commitment for enhanced collaboration
WHO and the UK hone their collaboration against pandemics, other health threats
Launch of consultative process towards REACH 2035 Agenda: Research for Action on Climate Change and Health
Enhertu demonstrated clinically meaningful and durable responses in patients across multiple HER2-expressing advanced solid tumours
The European Commission and WHO launch landmark digital health initiative to strengthen global health security
Qld’s booming biomedical sector hits world stage in Boston  
New ideas, stories and voices shine at the Sydney Writers’ Festival
Seventy-sixth World Health Assembly – Daily update: 30 May 2023
Major development for cancer-killing ‘Masterswitch’ discovery
Menstrual health, not just hygiene: The path toward a strong cross-sectoral response