Latest Law Council of Australia News | Page 2

Removal Bill causes rule of law and human rights concerns
Public interest in transparency and the Rule of Law requires reform of secrecy offences in Criminal Code
Australia-UK Legal Services Regulatory Dialogue
Aim Must Be Rehabilitation Not Lifelong Lock-up
Reserve citizenship deprivation only for most extraordinary of cases
Public hearing to hear from experts on new citizenship repudiation laws
Evidence does not support wholesale changes to merger regime
Suspended death sentence of Dr Yang Hengjun
Law Council congratulates Tass Liveris on appointment to FCFCOA
New judicial appointment to the Darwin registry of the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia
Appointment to the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Division 2)
Equal-access model not the answer to encouraging legitimate discrimination claims
Access to justice top of Budget wish list
New report highlights gender pay gap at Bar
Financial incentives to bring lawyers to bush
Extraordinary step of preventative detention requires further reflection
National Security Information Act must have sufficient regard to open justice
2024 John Koowarta Reconciliation Law Scholarship
2024 Law Council of Australia Executive
Contributions honoured at Gala Dinner
Law Council of Australia Gala Dinner
Removal of Australian citizenship deserves democratic scrutiny
Consultation and consideration overlooked again
Access to justice requires major boost to legal assistance service funding
Rushed legislation requires urgent review
Liberty, equality and proportionality must not be overlooked in response to High Court decision
Public must be able to trust government will act with integrity and transparency
Australian Judge re-elected to the International Court of Justice
Access to justice for all should not be undervalued
Protecting Australians’ identity big responsibility
Human Rights Act must overcome inadequate patchwork of laws
Statement on Gaza conflict
Law Council questions continuation and expansion of extraordinary counter terrorism measures
Law Council of Australia condemns Hamas attack on Israel and calls for adherence to international humanitarian law in response
Legal profession proactively mitigating money laundering risks
Investment to reduce migration backlog welcomed
More just Australia for people with disability
Voice to Parliament is legally safe
Inform yourself: vote with reason, not in ignorance
Australians rally to stop Labor’s shocking Misinformation Bill
Yes, Labor’s misinformation bill could jeopardise free speech online
Criminal justice response not always most effective tool against terror
Accountable governance requires effective FOI
New Chief Justice of High Court
All workers should be treated fairly and equally
Court best placed to make decisions in best interests of children
Professions must adhere to professional and ethical standards
Law Council welcomes national dialogue on sexual consent laws