Latest Law Council of Australia News | Page 9

Resourcing, consultation key to improve family law
Appointment of two senior judicial officers announced
Additional Federal Court appointments welcome to manage increased caseload, extended jurisdiction
Additional Federal Court appointments welcome to manage increased caseload
Law Council’s Call to Parties focused on access to justice, strengthening integrity and legal profession
Law Council’s Call to Parties focused on access to justice
Law Council of Australia’s statement regarding passing of dangerous livestream laws
Rejection of ‘deeply flawed’ Family Court merger plan a win for Australian families
Livestream laws could have serious unintended consequences, chilling effect on business
$20m funding increase, single national legal assistance mechanism do little to address huge ‘justice deficit’
$20m funding increase
Time to make reducing shameful Indigenous prison rates a national priority
NT Government’s ‘unacceptable’ Don Dale backflip fails young people and community
Law Council backs appointment of Townsville judge following long vacancy
Alleged terrorists should face ‘full force’ of Australian laws, says Law Council
Public Hearing on Counter-Terrorism Bills
Full-time Townsville judge a must to serve community in need
This week’s Access to Justice and Pro Bono Conference to focus on issues of injustice, legal assistance funding
This week’s Access to Justice and Pro Bono Conference to focus on issues of injustice
Law reform, cultural change and honesty critical to combat sexual harassment in legal profession
‘Lives are being destroyed’ – legal assistance funding needs urgent review, huge budget boost