Latest military News | Page 2

Thanks For Having Us, Townsville
Commemorating Anzac Day 2024
70 Years Of Creating Best
Bright Future Ahead For Shepherds Hill Cottage
Inspirational Leaders Inducted To Aboriginal Honour Roll
Signaller’s Network Reaches US
UN expert: Turning tide in Myanmar requires stronger international action as desperate, dangerous junta escalates civilian attacks
Little progress in addressing overcrowding and deplorable detention conditions, say UN experts: Gabon
Stockton Bight Tragedy Commemorated
ADF Wows Skyfire Crowds
ActionAid “categorically denounces” the reported forcible transfer of millions from Rafah to so-called “humanitarian islands”
Rural Fire Service gives Army a lift
Intelligence Committee tables report on military secrets legislation
Time to get ready for Run Army
UN experts welcome efforts to prevent mercenary related activities and call on authorities to safeguard newly established stability: Côte d’Ivoire
Fulfilling Need To Serve And Protect
Volunteer Steve Helps Keep Our History Alive
A statement on Gaza and Israel from the president of the ICRC
Darwin Makes Waves Welcoming 10,000 Cruisers In 7 Days
Greens concerned over allegations State Library is cancelling artists’ contracts amid Gaza crisis
Statement from CARE West Bank and Gaza Country Director Hiba Tibi, on the five-months-mark of the conflict escalation in Gaza
Building a workforce for the future
Cyber threats impacting the safety and dignity of civilians in conflict
Very Important Flight For Fijian Friends
Encouraging Students To Embrace ANZAC Spirit
U.S. Space Force Awards Boeing WGS-12 Communications Satellite Production Contract
Blayney Anzac Honoured At Australian War Memorial
Grants Honour Our Veterans And Preserve History
Govt cracking down on serious youth offending
Soldiers build relationships and billy karts
Personal journey leads to the Australian Army
Families Flock To Navy Week Open Day
Mental fatigue has psychological triggers − new research suggests challenging goals can head it off
“No photo ops this year” – Faruqi backs in calls by the Muslim community to boycott Labor this Ramadan
Consultation Now Open On Veterans’ Legislation Reform
Parade Showcases Future Of ADF
Aussie gunners win on the world stage
City of Ballarat assists CFA to establish base camp at Victoria Park
Human Rights Council Advisory Committee Concludes Its 31st Session
“GRAVE VIOLATIONS AGAINST CHILDREN MUST STOP”- Statement by Save the Children CEO Inger Ashing
Empowering Indigenous Recruits
Retiring Chief of Navy thanked for his service
The V Centre Veteran Empowerment Program Opens Doors to Change Lives
Blood sweat and tears set in stone at Australian War Memorial
Brilliance of the Seas cruise ship in Darwin for an overnight stay
Military junta even greater threat to civilians as it imposes military draft, warns UN expert: Myanmar
Public hearing to hear from experts on proposed military secrets bill