Latest nervous system News | Page 7

Older Aussies turn to video games to improve balance and brain function
Schizophrenia may be similar to immune disorders, show scientists
Study: Bartonella Infection Associated With Psychiatric Symptoms and Skin Lesions
New fundamental knowledge of “abdominal brain”
Scientists discover why heart slows down at night
Early diagnosis for children with Cerebral Palsy
Seeing depression in pupil
Managing stress of cancer
Malaria and immunology researchers win Burnet Prize
Wearable device to identify and treat pain is recognised
Sontag Foundation grants $1.2M for brain cancer research
Physio, chiro, osteo and myo: whats difference and which one should I get?
$41.7 million boost to commercialise lifesaving medical discoveries
Altered ‘coat’ disguises fatal brain virus from neutralizing antibodies
Printable ink guides cell growth, offers nerve injury hope
How humble sea sponge helped scientists unravel a 700 million-year-old mystery of evolution
Sea sponge unravels 700 million-year-old mystery
Eleven Million Euros from ERC
COVID-19 effects on brain revealed
Researcher creates smart clothing to monitor muscle performance
Primates aren’t quite frogs
Impact grants propel novel research
Motor neuron disease inflammation trigger discovered
Taking STING out of MND
US Defense supports UQ pain research
IL-21 protein a key part of immune response to central nervous system infections
University announces partnership with AVROBIO for Hunter syndrome gene therapy
Stem cells can help repair spinal cord after injury
Insect Armageddon: low doses of insecticide, Imidacloprid, cause blindness in insects
Low doses of insecticide trigger neurodegeneration in insects
Researchers Demonstrate How Deep Learning Can Advance Study of Neural Degeneration
Funnel-web spiders: why they kill us, and other news
Thicker nerve fibres enable faster reactions in mice
Gentle probes could enable massive brain data collection
Researchers fuse novel devices with biological inspiration for future AI systems
Study discovers role of nervous system in controlling how we run
Study reveals possible new coronavirus entry points
New study shows Victorians don’t understand when to use sun protection
Biologist awarded $1.8M to study neuronal reprograming for spinal cord repair
New study finds agricultural pesticides can affect prawns and oysters
Australian-first study explores complementary medicine for complex pain conditions in veterans
Researchers simulate, assess damage to brain cells caused by bubbles during head trauma
Gene yields insights into causes of neurodegeneration
Study by University researchers reveals how bacterial toxins might evolve to cause new illnesses
$1.2m funding boost for Parkinson’s disease study
Laser-welded sugar: Sweet way to 3D-print blood vessels
Antioxidant cocktail key to preventing Alzheimer’s
First UK-wide study of brain complications in patients with COVID-19