Latest psychology News | Page 15

End-of-school sadness can affect parents too: psychologist
Powerlifting win great achievement
433 people win a lottery jackpot – impossible?
Parenting practices in teen years set stage for closeness, warmth later on
How can families help kids better manage Year 12 exam stress?
Rare Electrical Recordings of Human Brain Give Detailed Picture of Neural Activity
Movement therapy as alternative to talk therapy
Positive psychology in disruptive times
‘It’s important to be curious’: 92yo UNE alum on psychology,
Thousands of university students graduate in Darwin
Taking scientific approach to dance
Scaring Year 12s about year ahead can backfire: new study
Unread Stasi files
Parents influence perceptions of alcohol
More Health Services For West Gippsland
Counting cravings for coffee and soft drinks
Study Outlines Steps To Reduce ‘Cybervetting’ Bias in Hiring
Gamers can have their cake and eat it too
Communication key on combined exercise
Five keys to good mental health
Mind over matter? Not when it comes to weight loss
Retina gives away signs of Alzheimer’s disease and could help with early detection
Power to make difference remains in your hands
Study to investigate public perceptions of cannabidiol use
Support when and where it’s needed most
Unskilled nation: Mental health sector left behind at Jobs and Skills Summit
Many transgender parents hesitate to label young children’s gender identity
What’s so super about super-recognisers?
Only man on mat: study finds yoga helps men’s mental health
Is narcissism a mental health problem?
Music in childhood boosts brains in later life
Higher weight people & eating disorders
Mental health issues among dental professionals during pandemic peaks
When immersed in sexual harassment, workers can’t identify it
New therapy for kids with treatment-resistant behavioural problems has lasting results 24 August
New therapy for kids with treatment-resistant behavioural problems has lasting results
How to be proactive with your career change and take advantage of job seekers market
Here’s how you can be proactive with your career change and take advantage of job seekers market
From tough love to interventions, what works when a loved one is struggling with addiction?
Addressing teacher shortage long-term requires current focus
Sing like there’s nobody comparing
Don’t blame women for low libido
‘ Study finds men and women equally strong predictors of relationship satisfaction
NYC symposium addresses solutions for inequities
Early sexual experiences could lead to healthier sex later in life: University of Toronto study
Researchers explore how people adapt to cybersickness from virtual reality
Teacher mental health cost during COVID
Research to tackle concussion in jockeys