Latest research News | Page 375

Chinese fishing boats took half a billion dollars of illegal squid from North Korea. Scientists used satellites
Women’s burden increases in COVID-19 era
Nurse researcher honoured in international Hall of Fame
JobKeeper Review: Scheme Encourages Sacking Casuals, Non-Resident Workers
International analysis narrows range of climate’s sensitivity to CO2
Electrons obey social distancing in ‘strange’ metals
Researchers simulate, assess damage to brain cells caused by bubbles during head trauma
Our cultural backgrounds influence how we interpret emojis, University study finds
Genetic basis of bats’ superpowers revealed
Report outlines keys to recognising public value of universities
HISD partners with Rice University to conduct districtwide study on educational equity
Post-9/11 veterans with moral injury are having trouble connecting to others
CERN, SKA, GÉANT and PRACE collaborate on next-gen computing
COVID-19 Pandemic: 14+ million cases globally as Victoria mandates face coverings
Cells communicate by doing ‘wave’
Cryptocurrency – don’t be scammed, South Australia
Photonic crystal light converter
Marine heatwaves affecting ocean’s tiniest organisms
CSIRO appoints leaders for Energy and Services
19% annual growth in institutional investment mandates
Coronacast marks episode 100
In 2020, commerce was forced to change-but consumer expectations will drive further transformation
MRFF reaches maturity at $20 billion
Artists explore our complex connection to internet
Thirty-metre mural raises glass to Hunter threatened species conservation
Recycling Japanese liquor leftovers as animal feed produces happier pigs and tastier pork
World first global review reveals health benefits of humble mushroom
Researchers gear up for cycling safety project
Supercharging digital health technologies
Another positive step for Australian nuclear technology expertise
Record funding to support WA innovators
Gathering memories from bushfire ashes
QIMR Berghofer licenses potential new cancer immunotherapies to Merck
Another positive step for Australian nuclear technology extertise
Early menstruation linked to increased menopause symptoms
World First Identification of a larval Mola alexandrini by Australian and New Zealand Scientists
Disposable blood warmer helps transfusions
Life in shallows becomes a trap for baby sharks
Science under COVID-19
Decreased levels of a protein kinase leads to atrial fibrillation
CSIRO to serve up sustainable source of omega-3 oils from sea
NYS sanitizer, Cornell’s U-pick guide boost farm success
Veterinary euthanasia course wins national award
Looks like epilepsy but isn’t: Introducing PNES Disease
More work crucial to help our soil recover from bushfires
Lightest mirror in world
Putting Spring-cam Back Into Stroke Patients Steps
Antidepressant does not improve post-stroke recovery