Latest royal society News | Page 5

Mathematics maps lifecycle of melanoma in new biotech experiments
Novel study of small fish in Icelandic waters sheds new light on adaptive change
Black Rhino extinction risk sharply increased by killing of specific female rhinos
Unravelling mystery of parrot longevity
Tropical fish all at sea
Study finds travel restrictions most undesirable lockdown feature
Staying alive, Arabian oryx style
Thousands of Greater Manchester primary children investigate air quality
Animal noses inspire new mask, air filter designs
One year on and still no answer from NSW Attorney General
Cheaper, cleaner, faster – new technology for better lithium batteries
Cheaper, cleaner, faster – new technology for better lithium batteries
Antibiotic used on food crops affects bumblebee behavior
Transparent ultrasound chip improves cell stimulation and imaging
Reuniting Lost Pets Made Easier For Victorians
How to mix ‘un-mixable’
Unlocking mechanical secrets of giant Amazonian waterlilies
University of Toronto’s Molly Shoichet joins team developing new treatments for spinal cord injuries
Darwin’s finches forced to ‘evolve’
Mathematicians use DeepMind AI to create new methods in problem-solving
Counting cost – pioneer of environmental accounting recognised
Housing researchers win Rutherford Medal, NZ’s top research honour
Researcher linking earthquakes to volcanoes wins Hatherton Award
Psychiatric wards ignoring hospitals’ non-smoking policies, study finds
Government backs ambitious Marsden research
Research into spiders that can count among Marsden-funded University of Canterbury projects
Canterbury youth mentoring researcher wins national award
Plant from Plastics: Bio-based Polymers Can Be Transformed into Fertilizers
World first: Study confirms mistaken identity may explain why sharks bite humans
Reducing CO2 using Panchromatic Osmium Complex Photosensitizer
NZ study finds airborne microplastics directly impact climate change
150 years of RSPCA celebrated with new stamp issue from Australia Post
Lone changer: Fish camouflage better without friends nearby
University of Canterbury offers first internationally accredited BSc Biology major
TB research will make ‘enormous global health impact’
Getting Our Lost Pets Home Sooner
Massive new animal species discovered in half-billion-year-old Burgess Shale
Swinburne sweeps Lets Torque public speaking competition
Micro-robots propelled by air bubbles and ultrasound
Scientists shed light on how praying mantises use the element of surprise to survive