Latest South Sudan News

Global Environment Facility approves $68 million for agrifood systems solutions
Australia Appoints New Ambassador To Ethiopia 23 December
Adopting Resolution 2764 (2024), Security Council Underscores Importance of Preserving Child Protection Capacities in UN Mission Transitions
For 2025, FAO seeks $1.9 billion to provide life-saving, emergency agriculture assistance to 49 million people
Security Council Sanctions Committee Concerning South Sudan Discusses Interim Report of Panel of Experts
Statement of the fortieth meeting of the Polio IHR Emergency Committee
Security Council Sanctions Committee concerning South Sudan Receives Briefing on Behalf of Emergency Relief Coordinator in Pursuance of Resolution 2664 (2022)
Investments in Women, Peace and Security Agenda Vital ‘for Preventing Conflict, Achieving Sustainable, Inclusive Peace’, Senior Official Tells Security Council
At FAO Council, Director-General QU Dongyu calls for more visionary guidance for a better future for humanity
2024 Deadliest Year for Aid Workers, Security Council Pressed to Ensure Justice, Protection
‘Hyper-diverse’ Approach To Keeping Peace
“A band-aid on a gunshot wound”: children and young people say social media ban for under 16s won’t stop online harm
Support for transitional justice processes critical to building sustainable peace, UN Experts say after Ethiopia mission: South Sudan
Always On Move
UN Commission on Human Rights in South Sudan commences visit to Addis Ababa for critical talks on transitional justice with African Union
Security Council Extends Mandate of United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei for One Year, Adopting Resolution 2760 (2024)
Gender Training In Cambodia
One in 8 children significantly impacted by the 10 biggest extreme weather events this year
UNITAR Hosts AI Masterclass: Shaping the Future of Artificial Intelligence for Global Impact
War in Sudan, Political Uncertainty in South Sudan Stalling Progress on Final Status of Abyei, Assistant Secretary-General Tells Security Council
Unity In Airlift That Will Be Remembered
Over 2.8 million children under five forced from their home across Sudan
New UN report warns of conflict-induced famine and catastrophic hunger in 5 major hotspots alongside the looming La Niña climate threat in others
Security Council Sanctions Committee Concerning South Sudan Meets with Panel of Experts
Sudan: Famine crisis worsens as children show physical signs of starvation
New joint health system review highlights opportunities for strengthening health care services for refugees and migrant communities in Uganda
Up to 21,000 people are dying each day from conflict-fuelled hunger around the world
Australian humanitarian aid to six worst crises globally equivalent to less than 1% of fossil fuel subsidies
extension of transitional government will compound dire human rights crisis if leaders do not change course – UN experts: South Sudan
FAO publishes continental atlas of tsetse flies in Africa
Joint statement towards a new declaration for the Protection of Humanitarian Personnel
WHO and multilateral development banks kick off US$ 1.5 billion primary health financing platform with new funds and launch of first investment…
Remarks To Roundtable Of Humanitarian Leaders
UN Security Council failing people living in conflict: Oxfam report
Stepping Into Boots Of Aviator
SOUTH SUDAN: Refugees fleeing world’s worst humanitarian crisis in Sudan confronted with lack of food across the border
FAO calls for G20 cooperation as hunger targets continue to elude
Security Council: United Nations peacekeeping operations
Human Rights Council to Hold its Fifty-Seventh Regular Session from 9 September to 11 October 2024
SUDAN: Hundreds of unaccompanied children among thousands fleeing latest surge of fighting
Beyond raising the age of criminal responsibility, African youth need more culturally aware support
Palestine has been recognised by more than 140 nations – but not yet Australia. So, what exactly defines a ‘state’?
Security Council Considers Situation in South Sudan ahead of December Elections
Statement of the Thirty-ninth Meeting of the Polio IHR Emergency Committee
Severe acute malnutrition skyrocketing in Save the Children clinics in Sudan as country enters worst phase of food insecurity
Press Conference by Security Council President on Programme of Work for August
FAO and EU sign 47 million euro programme to enhance resilience and food security for pastoralists in Eastern Africa