Latest Thursday Island News | Page 3

Historic joint native title claim handed down in Torres Strait
Focus on growth during Indigenous Business Month
Speech Pathology changing communication from Gold Coast
NAB Foundation Grants awarded to help communities withstand natural disasters
Archbishop of Canterbury to visit Australia
Paving Way to more good jobs for First Nations People
Thursday Island Neighbourhood and Community Centre delivering better services for Torres Strait
Better marine services for Horn Island
2032 talent search reaches Torres Strait
Local CT scans soon to be reality for Torres Strait communities
Palaszczuk Cabinet to meet on Thursday Island
Trek to address rising rates of RHD in Australia
Press conference – Thursday Island
Queensland Cabinet to meet in Torres Strait
AMSA provides aerial support for catamaran
NHMRC consultation on options to reach gender equity in Investigator Grant scheme
Reaching new heights with AOC
Ever thought about policing in Torres Strait?
Contractor appointed for new $7 million Mer Island Primary Healthcare Centre
Hearing to examine operation of NDIS for First Nations people in remote communities
Torres and Cape communities local infrastructure boost
Queensland Government commits $41.1M to support thousands of jobseekers
Carpenter fulfills calling at AACAP
Record budget supports better Fire and Emergency Services
Cruise ships return to Cairns for recovery
$4 million budget boost for Indigenous tourism
Search and rescue at Weipa
New vessel supports Thursday Island operations
New boat gives Qld unit more bite
Trauma Care in Tropics
Funding showcases vibrant arts across state
Northern Australian Reservists answer call
Music and Disparate Japanese Communities in Prewar “White Australia.” Online colloquium of Tokyo Tech ANNEX Berkeley
Funding ‘shot in arm’ for over 40 arts projects
Drug charges at Saibai Island, QLD
Police seek witnesses: Indecent assault at Thursday Island
100 trades jobs up for grabs as QBuild rebuilds
Torres Strait Islander tradition recognised in world-first achievement
Community Corrections graduation increases community safety
Sports stars join Super Schools Vaccination blitz
Remote work is rewarding
Take Look Inside QCS officer profile 28 October
RACGP launches new project to shine spotlight on rural and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander GPs
Vaccination blitz in Torres and Cape
Two people rescued from water in Torres Strait by passing tanker
Unlicensed fish receiver fined in Torres Strait
‘Believe in yourself. Apply. Go for it.’ New campaign to inspire more Indigenous university students
ICA welcomes Queensland LNP’s $50m commitment to boost cyclone resilience