Latest University News | Page 212

Help shape the future of regional, rural, and remote connectivity
$1.9 million in grants for medical research
Why giraffes have spots
Fiji National University and Monash University launch world-first global climate change research centre
Are flu cases already 100 times higher than last year? Here’s what we really know about the 2023 flu season
UNSW Sydney academics and researchers feature in jam-packed Sydney Writers’ Festival program
Screen incentives create record demand for Gold Coast industry
Rover teams dock for lunar challenge
NASA delegation and Minister Verrall meet University of Canterbury researchers using space technology
Birth in captivity has lasting impact for native birds
$7.5 million in grants for medical research
Faith, fun and four-leaf clovers: St. Patrick’s Day at Notre Dame
Inescapable truth of uncertainty
UQ VETS save glorious green python
Minister for Aged Care and Sport – Speech
Key sectors unite to electrify Queensland’s transport industry
Aviation is Australias most exciting industry
Calls for total elimination of direct sales of vaping products
CASR continues world-leading road safety research
VBA grant funds creation of virtual reality training tool
How financial stress can affect your mental health and 5 things that can help
ChatGPT for medical data? Predicting the future of population health
Monash Expert: Former incels seek help online to move on from misogynistic beliefs
UNE SMART Region Incubator awarded over half million dolla
Groundbreaking new research and a scientific career sparked by a High School teacher
Climate change creates ‘win-win’ between bald eagles and farmers
Scientists develop a ‘cosmic concrete’ that is twice as strong as regular concrete
Antibody fragment-nanoparticle therapeutic eradicates cancer
MRC Impact Prize for initiative helping to improve the relevance of clinical trials
Climate change concern reduces support for gas
Scientists advance dream of targeted real time treatment of hypoxic cancers
Personalised care at heart of significant funding boost
Is it safe to buy prescriptions from app
Ritual monuments in northern Arabia reveal neolithic ritual activity
360info awarded perfect 100/100 Trust Rating by NewsGuard
Team Discovers how TKI Cancer Drugs Cause Inflammatory Side Effects
New ABS Labour Force Figures 16 March
Poor sleep can impact brain health: ANU study
Disaster inequality addressed through more inclusive language
Tangy apricot Bavarian whip, fried rice medley and bombe Alaska: what Australia’s first food influencer had us cooking
Doreen United SC and Keilor Park SC become first 1 Star Game Changer Clubs
Interim analysis shows accuracy of Optiscan Imaging platform
Checking children’s wellbeing: before and after Covid
Two tools to turbocharge genetic gain
Rich Indigenous knowledges safeguarded in new research agreements
New industry survey shows how HR in Australia is changing
Police update: Wounding at Helensvale, QLD
Brain white matter declines for years after stroke