Latest UNSW News | Page 63

‘Coolbit’ aims for personalised comfort advice in specific environments
‘Coolbit’ aims for personalised comfort advice as effects of climate change deepen
International Study Examines Genetic & Vascular Risk Factors for Brain Infarcts
Cycling fatalities almost halved since introduction of mandatory helmet laws
UNSW honours India’s Martyr’s Day marking 71st anniversary of Gandhi’s death
Australia failing to close the gap on injuries to Indigenous children, study finds
Banks should licence members after royal commission
Powerful new technology maps Townsville floods in near real-time
Industry and government can no longer dodge issues highlighted by banking royal commission
Safer Internet Day: what you should remember when travelling
$3m deal charges UNSW drive for an integrated renewables future
The question we are all asking: how will the royal commission report bring fairness to financial services?
World Cancer Day: UNSW researchers share their vision for a future without cancer
Suicidal thoughts not a reliable warning of suicide
Children with chronic lung diseases at higher risk of flu hospitalisation
Children with chronic lung diseases at higher risk of flu hopsitalisation
Car crash deaths: speed limit in busy pedestrian areas too high
Kirby Institute announces new Director