Victorian Small Business Commissioner backs new mental health guide for small business

Victorian Small Business Commissioner Judy O’Connell backs Beyond Blue’s release of an Australian mental health guide for advisors, family and friends of people in small business.

Supporting small business owners to improve their mental health and wellbeing at work offers accountants, bookkeepers, tax agents, industry associations, family and friends, practical tips on how to provide support without needing to be trained as a counsellor or clinician.

The guide includes information on providing immediate support, recognising signs of poor mental health, planning a conversation with someone you’re concerned about and ways small business owners can make improvements.

Working with small businesses for over 30 years and coming from a family of small business owners, Commissioner O’Connell knows that running a small business can have its ups and downs.

“Some days can be rewarding and others can be a real challenge,” Commissioner O’Connell said.

“The time, money and energy small business owners invest into running their businesses can lead to stress and feelings of isolation, with some really struggling to achieve work life balance.”

The Victorian Small Business Commission (VSBC) advocates on issues affecting small business and works directly with small business owners to help them avoid or resolve their disputes.

“We know small business owners often face a broad range of stressors from issues with contracts, cash flow and getting paid on time to getting permits approved and managing disruptions caused by infrastructure projects,” Commissioner O’Connell said.

“Trusted advisors, family and friends are often the very people who can see the impacts of stress on small businesses owners, and this much needed resource will help empower them to provide support to their clients and loved ones.”

/Public Release.