Weak White Fails To Stand Up For Tasmanian Healthcare

Tasmanian Government

Before the federal election has even been called, Rebecca White has shown she is more interested in fighting for a Ministry than fighting for Tasmanians.

Let’s be very clear – the closure of yet another GP clinic in Tasmania is a direct result of the Albanese Labor Government’s failure and responsibility to fund primary care across the State.

While the Tasmanian Government has been forced to step up and support the sustainability of primary health services, we shouldn’t have to.

Tasmania is providing around $40 million into primary care – that’s $40 million the Commonwealth has shifted to our Budget that should instead be invested into our hospitals and decreasing our waitlists.

Just yesterday, Ms White had the ear of the Prime Minister, but astonishingly, instead of standing up for Tasmanians, Tasmania’s health system and the Lyons electorate, she chose to shift the blame onto the State.

As a former Shadow Minister for Health, Ms White should know better.

Ms White can’t have her cake and eat it too.

She can’t choose to be a State Member when it suits, and a Federal Candidate a few hours later.

Instead of cosying up to the PM, Ms White should’ve stood with us and taken the opportunity to urge the Federal Government to step up and fulfil their responsibility to fund primary care across the State, including an increase to the Medicare rebates.

Otherwise, we will continue to see the Federal Government leaving Tasmania off the map, with Tasmanians, including the people of Lyons, losing out as a result.

/Public Release. View in full here.