Sport and Recreation Minister David Templeman has welcomed findings that community sport delivers a yearly $10.3 billion economic and social benefit to our State.
A SportWest social return on investment report, released today, found that Western Australia’s organised sport returned $4.85 billion in economic and employment outcomes, $3.02 billion in physical and mental health, and $2.39 billion in personal wellbeing and broader social benefits per annum.
Broken down further, for every dollar invested in community sport, by or for its roughly 700,000 participants, our State reaps $7.10 in benefits.
This is the first return on investment study of its kind to encompass the whole sport industry in WA and delivers a measurable value of what sport is worth to our community, beyond the usual anecdotal stories.
SportWest received an $89,000 State Government grant to commission the study. For more information and to read the report visit
As stated by Sport and Recreation Minister David Templeman:
“Western Australians are sports mad – and now we have the evidence to prove that this is for a good reason!
“Community sport offers so many benefits not only on an individual level to our physical and mental health, but on a wider scale to our economy and society.
“Promoting participation and achievement in sport to support a healthy lifestyle is a key focus of the McGowan Government.
“We will continue to invest in community sport and sporting facilities through our many funding programs including KidSport, Club Night Lights Program and Active Regional Communities Grants.”