Winter warmers: food trends for 2023 suggests that one-pot wonders will reign supreme this season


As the winter season approaches, many Australians begin to crave comfort food to keep them warm in cold weather. From stews to soups, pies to one-pot dinners, popular winter dishes are often synonymous with hearty, warming recipes.

To fulfill these cravings for nourishing winter dishes, HelloFresh is launching a ‘Winter Warmers’ recipe collection on the menu from 15th May.

To inspire the Winter Warmers recipe collection, HelloFresh’s expert culinary team delved into predictions for upcoming food trends for winter 2023, which HelloFresh customers will see come to life in their weekly menus.

2023 Winter Food Trends

  • Retro returns: The 80s staples of chowders and meatloaves are due a return this winter according to HelloFresh. Packed with flavour and promising a hearty, filling punch, these classic household dinners are comforting dishes for the winter months.

  • One-pot and slow cooked meals: Winter is the season of wooly jumpers, hot chocolate and your mum or dad busting out the slow cooker for a season’s service. Convenience as well as eating-in is king at this time of year, so meals that people can pop into a pot and leave will increase in popularity. Also means less dishes to clean!

  • Pies: Pies are a beloved winter dish for Australians and also offer an easy way to pack in the veggies. For a rich flavor, slow cook your filling for a couple hours before finishing it in the oven.

Some of the Winter Warmers recipes that will feature on the HelloFresh menu include:

Food expert, Jess Ho, says: “Winter is the perfect time to update your recipe repertoire to incorporate the hearty, filling meals that plenty of us are craving at this time of year. The Winter Warmers recipe collection by HelloFresh is a brilliant way for customers to enjoy a variety of recipes informed by food trends for the 2023 season. Accessible, affordable and easy-to-follow – these meals form the basis of an excellent meal kit for any customer this winter, regardless of their confidence level with cooking.”

/Public Release.