100,000 Tasmanians get medical treatment through eReferrals

Tasmanian Government

Tasmanians continue to reap the benefits of the Tasmanian Government’s nation-leading eReferrals system, with more than 100,000 referrals now received.

The eReferral system, which replaced the outdated handwritten paper and fax-based system in 2022, instantly logs the referral with the specialist service or clinic and notifies GPs of receipt, ensuring patients get healthcare sooner and spend less time on waiting lists.

Minister for Health, Jacquie Petrusma, welcomed the strong result and congratulated our GPs and hospitals for embracing the eReferrals system.

“This is a significant milestone for our eReferrals system, demonstrating our dedication to ensuring patients get more timely care and spend less time on waiting lists,” Minister Petrusma said.

“The Department of Health recorded an 8 per cent increase in outpatient appointments in the 2023-24 financial year, with more patients now able to get the specialist care they need sooner.

“The eReferral system continues to be expanded and optimised, with Tasmanian GPs now able to instantly refer patients to more than 200 specialist services around Tasmania.

“Work is also continuing to integrate Statewide Referral Criteria, further enhancing the process for both GPs and specialists.

“The eReferral project is a collaborative partnership between Primary Health Tasmania and the Tasmanian Government and is part of the 4 year Transforming Outpatient Services Strategy and the $476 million 10-year Digital Health Transformation, which is delivering a new statewide fully integrated care platform.

“Under our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future we are determined to see better efficiency in our healthcare system, and the Digital Health Transformation will be vitally important in achieving this goal.”

/Public Release. View in full here.