2025 NT Health Aboriginal Cadetship Program Is Now Open

NT Health

NT Health offers an NT Health Aboriginal Cadetship Program to support Aboriginal people to complete the Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled Nurse) or higher education health studies. The program is a key initiative to increase employment of Aboriginal people as health professionals.

The program is designed to financially assist eligible Aboriginal students undertaking the Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled Nurse), undergraduate degree or postgraduate studies to gain professional health qualifications and experience that will lead to entry to practice upon completion of their studies.

Read about the 2025 NT Health Aboriginal Cadetship Program

Other opportunities

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees bring diverse skills, knowledge and experience that enriches services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Improving both Aboriginal representation in the health workforce and ensuring access to career and development opportunities is an essential component of building a better functioning and culturally secure health service.

NT Health is creating a workforce that is affirming of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and values, and seeks to create targeted and general employment career opportunities.

/Public Release. View in full here.