Studying a diploma is an excellent way to develop your knowledge in a particular area, without the level of commitment required to study a degree. A Diploma of Health Science is a strategic stepping stone towards advancing your education, enabling you to seamlessly transition into a Bachelor of Health Science degree. With this diploma, you not only gain foundational knowledge but are also able to transfer credits to the next academic level. Graduates are eligible to receive 1 year of credits and/or its equivalence towards a Bachelor of Health Science at Torrens University Australia. It’s also common for our students to pursue both work and further study.
Here are 6 Health Science careers you can get with a diploma:
Pharmacy Assistant
Providing pharmacists with support requires a comprehensive understanding of conventional and complementary medicine, as well as a strong understanding of customer needs. It affords the opportunity to make a meaningful impact by assisting and supporting others in their healthcare needs.
Program Assistant in Aged Care
The Department of Health and Aged Care work with aged care providers, and organisations to review standards, rate care homes, and enhance various programs. As a graduate of Diploma of Health Science, you would be eligible to apply for roles that assist in developing and implementing policies, solving problems and maintaining high standards in aged care.
Retail Assistant in Nutrition
Your diploma qualification should prepare you to understand customers’ health concerns, offer appropriate health advice, and suggest natural health products that can benefit them. With a solid foundation in Health Sciences, you’ll be equipped to navigate health-related inquiries, provide personalised advice and contribute to promoting overall wellbeing through informed recommendations.
Medical Practice Coordinator
Your diploma qualification will prepare you to contribute to the holistic functioning of a medical practice and improve the overall experience for those seeking natural health solutions. Your role may include communicating with customers about their health concerns and assist in the smooth operation of the practice.
Marketing Representative
What better person to understand the health industry than one who has studied it? Enhance your advantage in marketing by adding a competitive edge. If you are interested in both traditional and complementary medicine, a Diploma of Health Science will support you to be at the top of your game.
Product Development Assistant
Imagine being a part of a team that’s responsible for shaping natural health food products or recipes. You could be analysing market trends, contribute to ideation and coordinate with suppliers to ensure quality aligns with health-conscious standards. Your Health Science diploma makes you well-suited for contributing your expertise to develop high quality products.