ACMA Seeks Views On New TV Prominence Rules

We have released a public consultation paper seeking views on implementing Australia’s new TV prominence framework.

From January 2026, all connected TV devices sold in Australia must comply with new rules made under the Broadcasting Services Act 1992. These rules are designed to make it easier for Australians to find and access free-to-air services and apps on their smart TVs and similar devices.

The ACMA will oversee and enforce the TV prominence framework. Feedback and evidence from the consultation will help determine if, and how, we use our new powers. We seek your views on:

  • the types of devices that should be included
  • how regulated TV services and apps should be displayed
  • how broadcasters will make their apps available to device manufacturers.

The paper is available on the consultation page, and we will accept submissions until 15 October 2024.

/Public Release. View in full here.