Are sober parties answer to Australia’s national drinking crisis?

The Atticism

Australia’s Drinking Crisis

Are sober events the answer?

Interview Opportunity

A recent study by the Australian Bureau of Statistics notes that a whopping 1 in every 4 Aussies (that’s 25.8% of our population, or around 5 million people) aged 18 years and over, overconsume when it comes to alcohol. This includes those who either consumed more than 10 drinks in the last week and/or consumed 5 or more drinks on any day at least monthly in the last 12 months (12 occasions per year).

If that wasnt worrying enough, mental health studies show that 60% of people with a mental health disorder also experience what is described as a dependence on drugs and alcohol. We can measure the impact of this mental health crisis, with reports to the Governement showing that calls to companies like Lifeline and Beyond Blue are at an all-time high.

It’s fair to say that we’ve all taken blows to our mental health over the past few yars. Closed borders and covid lockdowns left many of us searching for ways to ‘self soothe.’ In addition, now that restrictions are lifted, studies show that we are desperatly trying to find ways to meaningfully reconnect with our peers – without the use of drugs and alcohol.

A recent survey commissioned by the NSW Treasury, which was designed to inform Sydney’s nightlife strategy, showed that “78% of people would like more night-time activities that do not centre around alcohol.”

Understanding this desire and on a mission to reconnect communities and provide the people what they have been craving is Jasper Vallance, previously involved in running events for the Burning Man community. Jasper has created an incredible NFP ventue called, Xstatic Sunsets.


WHO – Jasper Vallance, has created a not-for-profit (NFP) venture that connects communities and works to improve people’s mental health by inviting them to the party of their lives, scientifically designed to increase happiness and connectivity – all 100% alcohol, drug and hangover-free.

WHAT – Jasper’s NFT venture, Xstatic Sunsets has evolved beyond a party business to one that is now publicly supported by Government and social impact partners, recognised for its social impact mission to inspire a healthier party culture and a commitment to improve people’s mental wellbeing. As well as focusing on offering his dance party events, Jasper’s plans include a focus on creating schools and university programs and events as young people discover a love of partying.

/Public Release.