ASIC updates guidance to help directors prevent insolvent trading


ASIC has today updated its regulatory guide for directors and their professional advisers on the duty to prevent insolvent trading and to provide new guidance on the safe harbour provisions.

The updates to Regulatory Guide 217 Duty to prevent insolvency trading: Guide for directors (RG 217) follow a consultation with industry to seek their input on our proposed changes. We sought feedback from registered liquidators, professional bodies, and other interested parties.

ASIC released Consultation Paper 372 Guidance on insolvent trading safe harbour provisions: Update to RG 217 (CP 372) in September 2023.

Industry response to CP 372 included requests to:

  • simplify the guidance
  • provide clarity on obtaining professional advice
  • improve the guidance for directors of small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs), and
  • provide additional guidance on safe harbour.

ASIC responded to the key issues raised by:

  • including additional practical examples
  • providing further guidance on obtaining professional advice
  • providing enhanced guidance on safe harbour, including practical examples, and
  • updating Information Sheet 42 Insolvency for directors (INFO 42) to include guidance on safe harbour.

REP 803 Response to submissions on CP 372 Guidance on insolvent trading and safe harbour provisions (REP 803) provides further detail about ASIC’s responses to the submissions received during the consultation process.

The updated version of INFO 42 will be released by mid December 2024.

/Public Release. View in full here.