MEDIA RELEASE – Monday 23 May 2022
Avocado experts are coming together for “Avo Connections”
Avo Connections, the annual avocado industry forum hosted by Avocados Australia, is happening on Monday 6 June 2022 at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre in South Brisbane (prior to Hort Connections).
This event promises to provide a broad range of speakers presenting on the latest developments related to the domestic market, export markets, food service and marketing of Australian avocados. Attendees will also gain insights into the current quality performance of Australian avocados.
Avo Connections is a forum where key supply chain stakeholders of the Australian avocado industry come together to hear the latest news from key speakers involved with the Australian avocado industry. Avo Connections provides a great opportunity to network and promotes collaboration and innovation across the supply chain. The event is nearly booked out so interested parties should register now.
Representatives from Avocados Australia, Hort Innovation, Harris Farms, Applied Horticulture Research, Department of Agriculture & Fisheries, and The Farmind Corporation will be speaking at the forum.
All attendees will have the chance to share their views during an Industry Export Strategy Session and a panel discussion will be examining the future prospects of the Australian avocado industry.
Avocados Australia’s CEO John Tyas, who will be presenting at the forum, believes this year’s forum will be particularly important to attend as it will cover both the current opportunities and challenges facing the industry.
“Increasing demand and developing new markets for Australian avocados are the highest priorities for our industry at the moment, and these will be the key topics discussed at this forum ,” said Mr Tyas.
Click here to register to attend. To view the program click here. There are limited places so registration is essential.