Backing In Hobart Gymnastics Facility

Tasmanian Government

The Hobart Gymnastics Academy’s bid for a new home is supported by $2.5 million from the Tasmanian Government.

Minister for Sports and Events, Nick Duigan said the Brighton Council had been working with the academy to prove up and develop the proposal.

“The Tasmanian Government committed $500,000 for that to occur, and have committed $2 million towards building the project,” Minister Duigan said.

“This project has been talked about for some time, and now stands with its own merit.

“As part of our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future, we are ensuring Tasmanians have access to more sporting and wellbeing opportunities than ever before by upgrading and improving clubs right across the State.”

Minister for Infrastructure, Kerry Vincent, said more than 500 people use the existing facility.

“That includes users living locally as well as those from the wider region. Those numbers are only expected to grow with a newer, improved facility,” Minister Vincent said.

“Sporting clubs unite communities. But not only that, they also keep Tasmanians healthy and active.

“We know how incredibly important our sporting and community groups are in bringing our communities together and connecting Tasmanians – young and old – which is what this facility is about.

“We are backing in Tasmania, and future proofing our state for generations to come so that Tasmanians can have the facilities they need to come together, connect and thrive.”

The HGA has outgrown the current facility and requires a new facility to continue to meet current and anticipated future demand in Brighton and southern Tasmania. HGA expect the new facility to cost around $5 million.

/Public Release. View in full here.