Bringing touring performing arts to audiences across the country

Creative Australia will invest close to $2.8 million ($2,784,070) to support nine projects through its regional performing arts touring program, Playing Australia .

The investment will support performances in 112 locations across the country, with the majority of performances taking place in regional or remote communities.

Among the highlights is Saltbush, a tour of First Nations dance theatre for young audiences that will engage with communities in regional Victoria, South Australia and the ACT.

Where is the Green Sheep? Monkey Baa’s immersive visual theatre production adapted from the beloved children’s book by Mem Fox and Judy Horacek, will tour to 53 communities across Australia, with 218 performances.

Looking for Alibrandi Brink Productions’ presentation of Stephen Nicolazzo’s acclaimed mainstage theatre production will tour to regional centres. Melina Marchetta’s story adapted by Vidya Rajan explores the Australian migrant experience.

Recent changes to the Playing Australia guidelines have enabled a diverse range of touring models to be supported including SEEN by Phunktional, an Australian First Nations-led Community Arts and Cultural Development touring model, and support for Darwin Symphony Orchestra to profile NT artists in remote NT locations.

Executive Director of Arts Investment Alice Nash  said:   

“Playing Australia provides opportunities for performers to reach and connect with diverse audiences and gives audiences in regional and remote Australia the ability to experience the magic of performing arts.”

The Playing Australia recipients are.

  • All The Queens Men – Play Date
  • Australian South Asian Centre - Brown Women Comedy Roadshow 
  • Brink Productions - Looking for Alibrandi
  • Darwin Symphony Orchestra – Northern Territory Tour
  • International Performing Writers Association - Australia Poetry Slam Tour
  • Insite Arts – Saltbush
  • Monkey Baa Theatre for Young People - Where is the Green Sheep?
  • Phunktional Limited – Seen
  • shake & stir - National tour, George Orwell’s ‘1984’ 

/Public Release. View in full here.