Bus Turnaround Gets Priestdale On Move

A picture of Mayor Jon Raven (second from right) with Cr Lisa Bradley (centre right) and (from left) Clarks Logan City Bus Service's Kaylee Clark, Federal Member for Rankin Jim Chalmers, Abess Man Wang and State Member for Springwood Mick de Brenni.

Mayor Jon Raven (second from right) with Cr Lisa Bradley (centre right) and (from left) Clarks Logan City Bus Service’s Kaylee Clark, Federal Member for Rankin Jim Chalmers, Abess Man Wang and State Member for Springwood Mick de Brenni.

A new bus turnaround area and wider footpaths have given drivers and pedestrians more room to move on Underwood Road in Priestdale.

The works included a new bus stop and spacious passenger set down area outside the popular Fo Guang Shan Chung Tian Temple.

The recently completed upgrade enables Translink’s Route 578 to service the location, which will provide an important public transport option for local families and visitors.

In an exciting milestone for local public transport, buses on Route 578 began servicing the new Temple Stop this morning.

The new bus infrastructure and public transport network connection will also benefit users and visitors of the Underwood Park sporting and community precinct.

The Logan City Council bus turnaround project was supported by the Australian Government’s Investing in Our Communities Program.

Mayor Jon Raven said it would make the area safer and more accessible for everyone.

“This upgrade has given more people a new way to discover this vibrant and colourful corner of our city,” Cr Raven said.

“We’re excited to see busloads of people enjoying everything it has to offer.”

Councillor for Division 1, Lisa Bradley said the upgrade would assist tourism in the area.

Rankin MP Jim Chalmers said the upgrade was invaluable to the local area.

“If you’ve spent as much time on Underwood Road as I have over the years, you’ll know how busy it can get, which is why I committed to deliver the funds for this project at the last election,” Mr Chalmers said.

“The Underwood Bus Turnaround will ease congestion on one of our biggest and most important local roads and provide people with more transport options with a new Translink bus service starting in our community today.

“Whether it’s netball carnivals, footy at the Tigers, soccer at the Rovers, or Buddha’s birthday at the local temple, projects like this one make it easier for people to enjoy our local community and access our incredible local facilities.”

A wide new footpath extension connecting the bus stop to Underwood Park has been installed to boost pedestrian safety.

Improvements were also made to the area’s stormwater drainage.

/Public Release. View in full here.